I've decided that February is for Finished objects. To help me along on this, I've packed away all my yarn and only left out my unfinished projects. 3 pairs of socks on needles, a baby albert sweater, a flower basket shawl and last, but certainly not least, Faina's scarf. Of course, this does create problems, because I got my sockapalooza pal and the yarn I want to use for her socks is packed away. Oh, well, since I was going to experiment with different patterns, I can do that and then start her sock when I get to KC.
So, I present the first finished object of February. It's a
another Baby Albert. It's missing the buttons still because I threw them away in a cleaning frenzy last weekend. I'll have to go out tomorrow and buy more buttons since the individual this sweater for is only in Monday of next week. So finish it I must.
The finished sweater wasn't all I did today. I frogged
the second Jaywalker sock and started it over. I also worked on Julie's birthday socks. We've had to cancel our dinner several times, so she hasn't seen it yet. I think it looks cool, you can't really see the pattern in the picture, but it's pattern #17 for Joy Slayton's Ribbing Plain and Fancy. It's a yarn-over cable pattern. I really like this pattern for socks.
As you can see, I got lots of knitting done today in between visits from moving company estimators. The good news, at least one quote came in less than I was expecting. I'm expecting a couple more on Monday, so we'll see. I'm targeting a move date of March 1st. Which isn't all that far away.