Shoes and Yarn

This blog is dedicated to my search for the perfect shoes and the perfect yarn.

Wednesday, April 11, 2007

I love my friends. I've had a few hard weeks at work and yesterday was a bad. I met my knitty friends in the evening and they cheered me up a lot. In fact, I almost lost my dinner I was laughing so hard. I swear one of these days they're going to kick us out of a restaurant. Maybe it's just something about the Macaroni Grill...maybe it's just that Carmen gets a drink there. :-0 Anyway, I appreciated that so much last night. I went to work today in a much better mood and got a lot done. Thankfully I'm off on Friday and I'm going home.

Speaking of my trip home. We're having a baby shower for my SIL and I finished my super secret project this evening, just in time to board a plane tomorrow after work. I'll bring pictures back for next week. I'm so excited. I hope she likes it.

Be back after the weekend and I should be a better blogger since I'll be working on projects I can actually show. :-)


  • At 9:22 AM, Blogger Chris said…

    I'm glad to hear that your friends were able to cheer you up! Have a great weekend.


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