Shoes and Yarn

This blog is dedicated to my search for the perfect shoes and the perfect yarn.

Monday, April 23, 2007

Behold the Krista Tee.
I'm about 2.5 inches into the bottom lace pattern and have about .5 inches left to go before starting the main bodice pattern. So far I'm liking it and it's going by pretty fast. Especially since it's not twisted this time.

I decided I really, really needed to start knitting some sweaters because I've bought yarn for about 10. So, before I can buy yarn for the Nashua Surplice sweater, I've got to at least make an effort to finish one, don't you think??


  • At 7:34 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Oh, absolutely not! I mean, it's not like yarn goes bad, right? :)

    I'm not helping, am I? Anyway, as usual, it looks great. I'm just jealous because I'm not as fast as you. Enjoy!


  • At 10:31 AM, Blogger Chris said…

    No twists - woo-hoo!!

    You should definitely work on a sweater.

  • At 11:19 AM, Blogger dulcedosa said…

    DAGNABIT! I frogged my nashua surplice again. I didn't like how the first row of the ribbing came out. I'll NEVER finish anything at this rate. *sigh*


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