Shoes and Yarn

This blog is dedicated to my search for the perfect shoes and the perfect yarn.

Monday, August 08, 2005


In an effort to delay cleaning my apartment, which I successfully put off for a bulk of the weekend, I finally got around to blocking the Soleil tank. Now I can wear it at Stitches. Here it is in all it's glory.

I should be deep in the midst of my "Oh my god I'm leaving my house for 4 days I need to clean everything in sight" phase, but for some reason I'm not. Which, of course, means I'm going to come home Wednesday night from knitting with the posse and spend half the night cleaning. I have this weird thing where I cannot go away, even on a business trip for 2 days without cleaning my entire apartment. The bathroom, the kitchen, clean all the clutter, vacuum, mop, take out the trash, new sheets. The whole 9 yds. Yep, that's what I'll be doing on Wednesday night. That and packing... At least I finished the laundry tonight, so that's done.

The weekend was good. I babysat for my neice. She is officially a creeper now, although she has amazing speed for someone who has only been crawling for a week. She exhausted me. I'm not used to that. Sunday I went my friend's annual "Cold" party. Where we celebrate in the cool basement by eating a potluck full of foods that are cold. Good Stuff. Fun as always.

Stitches Coundown:
2 working days (Yippee - not a bit excited about that truly...)


  • At 6:40 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…


    Your tank looks gorgeous, and I adore the color!!!!

    Congrats on finishing it, so that you can wear it to Stitches. Can't wait to hear all about it and see the haul.



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