Shoes and Yarn

This blog is dedicated to my search for the perfect shoes and the perfect yarn.

Friday, July 15, 2005


So, I finished a couple of things, so naturally, I have to start some new stuff. The Ruffled scarf was started on Wednesday and I'm already through the first ball of yarn on it, so tonight, I finally gave into this...

The Rowan Summer Tweed that I got on a cone at Stitches last year. I'm sincerely hoping I can find some more this year as I'm constantly coveting it in the store. This has the honor of being something I actually bought with a pattern in mind, as opposed to most of my spur of the momement purchases. This is desitined to be the Bistro Shirt. I'll probably start it this weekend, although I have several errands to run (I'm getting my hair cut finally, can you believe it???), I'm going furniture shopping (finally going to get rid of the yellow and blue couches my ex-roommate and I bought that I immediately came to dislike) and I have to work (yuck!), so we'll see how much I'll get done.

I checked on-line to check on my copy of Harry Potter and it's already in Earth City (close to where I live), so I live in hope that it will be delivered tomorrow afterall (Do you hear that UPS???). Yippee.


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