Shoes and Yarn

This blog is dedicated to my search for the perfect shoes and the perfect yarn.

Monday, May 09, 2005

One down, one to go...

Hurrah! One week, one sock. The completed Tampa Bay trip sock.

Just in time to start the second sock when I go to Dallas on Wednesday.

You know, Monday's should be a way to ease into the week. It shouldn't hit you over the head with a 2x4 before 9am. Is it Friday yet?????

For mother's day yesterday, I planted (or perhaps should I say, sacrified the innocent lives of...) some flowers for my Mom. She loves flowers, but she has not one, but two black thumbs. So fingers crossed, they'll last several weeks (I am allowing for several suicides on account of the fact that I planted some in the heat of the day and then watered them). My father suggested that perhaps I should stop over and water them. I might do it as it would significantly increase their life expectancy. :-) Love you Mom. Really! Black thumb and all.


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