Shoes and Yarn

This blog is dedicated to my search for the perfect shoes and the perfect yarn.

Friday, April 22, 2005

So, I got to work this morning and my cubemate and I were the only ones on our side of the floor. No kidding here, we have this 2 cube thing at one end of the floor and we were the only people there. So, I took half a day of vacation. It was wonderful! I feel so relaxed. I sent my secret pal her last package, since I could actually get to the post office when it was open. Yippee.

I tried knitting a guage swatch for my Soleil tank and discovered I need to go buy smaller needles tomorrow. I went through two old project bags that I've been storing all of my half used yarn in and put it into an orderly fashion. I did the dishes. At this point, it was only 3pm and I was tired, so I took a nap. I slept until 6pm. It was great. We've been having these thunderstorms every night, so I haven't slept very well. I still miss my afternoon naps that I used to take in college. You know the ones where you would be out half the night, sleep for 3 hours, go to class, take an afternoon nap and start it all over again. Yep those are the ones. Of course, now that I'm old, I just need the nap, no staying out to all hours...


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