Shoes and Yarn

This blog is dedicated to my search for the perfect shoes and the perfect yarn.

Thursday, December 16, 2004

I'm knitting as fast as I can

I was overly ambitious in my knitting projects last year for Christmas and didn't finish them all sending me scurrying to the mall at the last moment, so I decided to reign it in a bit this year. Below is the Misty Garden Scarf from the Scarf Style book for my boss. I like it so much, I think I'll make one for myself as well. Well, after I finish the Ruffled scarf and the Faina Scarf that is...

I also finished these two adorable hats for my bosses twins. One boy and one girl. I could have made two of the snowman hats, but I was looking for a little variety. I hope the snowman hat fits and isn't to big, but my boss does mention her sons big melon all the time, so I'm keeping my fingers crossed.

With those finished and another hat for an x-mas gift finished, I started yet another hat for an x-mas gift tonight and I have one more to make. Last year was the christmas of scarves and socks. This year it's hats. I have a week and 1 day so I might make it as long as I don't allow myself to become distracted by cookie baking or channel 9 TV.


  • At 9:32 PM, Blogger Life's a Stitch said…

    Beautiful scarf. Want to come work for me? It would be less work, I only have one child at home :)

  • At 2:21 PM, Anonymous Trish said…

    Catching up on old posts Miss Gwen. Here it is...almost 5 years later and I still LOVE my scarf and wear it a lot. The babes have long since outgrown the hats, but Mr. Snowman lives on as a favorite "toy". He became Carleigh's baby doll. :-)
    Miss working with you lady!


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