Too much forward momentum today and I ended up doing a faceplant in front of my office building today in the rain. Ugghhh! I kind of look like I took a swing at a guy because my knuckles got all bloody. I have 4 bandaids on my knee. My hands are both a little sore, but I think I can still knit (thank god). I came home after that to change my full set of clothing and just worked from home for the rest of the day. Ughhh!!!! Worse yet, I was in my new white sweater and fell onto blacktop. UGHHH!!!! And after I was so proud of myself for managing to each Minestrone soup without spilling a single drop on myself.
At 7:10 PM, Teri said…
Oh, you poor thing!
At 8:08 PM, Beth said…
I was beginning to think I had gotten your bad luck for injury, but it seems that you still have it. Rest up and heal quickly.
At 7:41 AM, Anonymous said…
Oh no... hope you mend quickly!
At 8:02 AM, Anonymous said…
This morning I just took a faceplant into my tall cube cabinet, spilled my smoothie everywhere and shattered my angel keychain - but at least I didn't need any band-aids. Thanks for making me feel better!! ;) However, right before this I was wondering why I didn't work from home today...
Hope you heal quickly!
At 1:45 PM, dulcedosa said…
:: squish ::
There! There! Gwenie Gwen.
We'll watch Flava of Love 3 and laugh it all away this weekend, k?
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