Shoes and Yarn

This blog is dedicated to my search for the perfect shoes and the perfect yarn.

Thursday, January 17, 2008

Snowy, snowy day...

It's a good thing I went to work early today so I missed the snow starting. By 2pm, we had quite a lot so I decided to go home early and work from home. I had this sneaking feeling that the city where I lived had not made any attempts at snow removal, and by golly, if I didn't turn into the city limits and all efforts at snow removal or containment were over. I drove 10 mph the rest of the way home... Ughhh! At least I made it home safely.

Even though I worked until 6pm after I got home, I still felt like I had all this time this evening. I made dinner, folded laundry, actually hooked up my new telephone in my apartment (I've had it more than 2 weeks...) It was refreshing. I also got some knitting done this evening. I'm almost done with the first of the Neopolitan socks.
I might have to rethink the name because as I got to the top where I switched to the 1x1 ribbing, I realiezed that I made 2 major mistakes up the whole leg of the sock... At two points I K4 in a row, instead of the 2x2 ribbing.
See the big rib in the middle there...yep. I'm sure mistake #2 was a direct result of mistake #1. I debated for quite awhile whether or not to rip out all 5 inches of the leg. I finally decided that since the socks are for me, I could live with mistakes. Now I just need to decide whether they're a "design" feature I'm going to repeat in the second sock or if I'll do the second one correctly. Hmmmmm...


  • At 9:45 PM, Blogger maitai said…

    i think they look great! i probably wouldn't have noticed it. ripping out 5" is madness!


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