Shoes and Yarn

This blog is dedicated to my search for the perfect shoes and the perfect yarn.

Sunday, September 23, 2007

And finally, there was knitting

So, finally my life is starting to get back to normal. I hauled a ton of boxes out yesterday. I still have about 9 left. 4 of the big hanging clothes boxes and then 4 painting boxes that I unpacked today. Yes, unpacked and hung up art work. Yes, you can all fall over dead. There were only ever artwork hung in my bathroom in Kansas City. Here, I have 5 pictures and 2 shelves. Whoo hoo!

I was up at the crack of dawn this morning. I got up at 6:30 and couldn't go back to sleep so I got up and started knitting. First I worked on my neices cardigan for awhile...
...until I almost went crazy from the plain garter stitch. I have 1.5 more stripe pattern repeats on the back before I can move on to finish the right front side.

Then I moved on and finished the first of the Trekking socks I started my last night in KC.
I love, love, love these socks. It's a 3x1 rib and then at the cuff, I did a 1x1 rib (ala Johanna). Yeah for Trekking XXL!


  • At 11:37 PM, Blogger Jo said…

    I can't claim all the credit for the 3x1/1x1 sock recipe — I actually stole it from Christine. I just do mine toe-up, and she does hers top-down. :)


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