Shoes and Yarn

This blog is dedicated to my search for the perfect shoes and the perfect yarn.

Thursday, November 16, 2006

Look at all this wonderful progress on the baby blanket! Yes...lots of
progress made on the baby blanket...progress on x-mas projects...not so much. BTW - yarn is much more bright green than shown here. I did make it to the yarn store this evening to buy additional yarn needed to complete a gift. Unfortunately, I needed 2 skeins and they only had 1, so this is going to require some creative knitting or some solutions...but I'll muddle through.

Tonight, I also baked the most wonderful dessert in the world. The St.
Louis speciality known as the "Gooey Butter Cake." No one at work has ever had one and when I talk about it rapturously they all look at me weirdly, but tomorrow, tomorrow, they will look at me as if I'm a god and beg for the recipe. :-) Yummm!!! Can't wait to have some.

Remember, tomorrow is the last day to enter the contest. I'll post the winner tomorrow evening.


  • At 9:24 AM, Blogger dulcedosa said…

    Pretty blankie!
    So, is this gooey concoction like your creme brulee? I'm thinking it might be too rich for my tastebuds. Don't worry about Lift & Seperate. I'm just know getting going with Vintage Velvet after a couple froggings, I finally like the size of things.

  • At 10:08 PM, Blogger Chris said…

    Gooey butter cake?! Oh my. I can hear my arteries hardening!

  • At 11:11 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    I've never heard of gooey butter cake, but if your coworkers are anything like mine, never having heard of something will not stop them from eating it!

    (It looks delicious, btw!)

  • At 9:10 PM, Blogger Teresa said…

    I live in the St. Louis area (born and raised) and I ADORE gooey butter cake!!! can I have the recipe???? have never had it out of a bakery or a reserant.


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