Shoes and Yarn

This blog is dedicated to my search for the perfect shoes and the perfect yarn.

Monday, November 13, 2006

Happy "Thank God Monday Is Over!" Ugghhh!!! Is it Thanksgiving yet???? I swear. I need a couple of days off to recover. I'm almost afraid to pick up the phone at work fearing more bad news.

I did have a good weekend this weekend. I went to Lawrence, KS to the Yarn Barn and The Toy Shop. Now, don't faint...I DID NOT BUY ANY YARN. Yes, you read that right. I didn't buy any yarn. I was tempted by some merino/tencel laceweight, but managed to leave without it. Small Victory. I did go crazy at The Toy Store though, buying my neice lots of cool toys for her birthday and Christmas. She's going to be so cute this year.

Sunday I suffered a crippling injury. I burned the heck out of my finger making dinner and couldn't knit for the rest of the evening because I had to hold ice on it. Put a crimp in my knitting plans for the evening and, since I frogged a certain x-mas present 3 times this weekend...puts me behind.

Speaking of Holiday knitting still time to enter my contest before friday night.


  • At 10:38 AM, Blogger Chris said…

    Yay for the yarn store restraint! But ouch - I hope your finger is doing better now.


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