Shoes and Yarn

This blog is dedicated to my search for the perfect shoes and the perfect yarn.

Sunday, September 14, 2008

Help me choose?!?!?!?!?!?!

Okay, I'm at a crossroads in the first Funky Monkey. What colors to make the muzzle. First of all, I'm making the Mr. Ben Sock Monkey from Two Old Bags. Below is the body of the Funky Monkey....
So far, loving, I'm to the two-colored muzzle. But what colors to use??? I have a selection below. I need two contrast colors. Color 1 will be the outer muzzle, top of head and feet and hands. Color 2 will be the inner muzzle.

So, what colors to use:


Dark Navy

Lighter navy



So, my readers, what do you think?????


  • At 10:13 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    I vote for green and brown...good contrast, and it will draw on the smaller bands in the body. I can't wait to see this one when it's finished - it'll be a very cute monkey!

  • At 10:23 PM, Blogger Jo said…

    Green and brown. (And I was going to say that even before I saw what Jenn said!) The body has some brown and green in it, and you want to pick up those colors somewhere else. I think he's going to be cute!

  • At 5:35 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Another vote for green and brown... and really, I decided before looking at the other comments!

  • At 8:32 AM, Blogger littledevilworks said…

    Yup. Another vote for green and brown! :)

  • At 7:05 PM, Blogger Unknown said…

    I think green and brown too - or navy and tan would be my second vote, but I don't get a second vote when it's a landslide. :)


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