Shoes and Yarn

This blog is dedicated to my search for the perfect shoes and the perfect yarn.

Sunday, April 13, 2008

Look Ma! I've got arms...

OMG! Yes, there is still knitting going on... Wonder of all wonders. How come??? I worked 15 hours less than I had been working. That's not to say I'm working 40 hours, but it's down to a manageable 55 or so hours rather than 70+.

I'm still working on the Child's Placket Neck sweater from Last Minute knitted gifts. I knit the sleeves and have attached and split for the placket neck and we're moving along quickly.

I also worked on the Too many RPM sock and I'm almost to the cuff on that, but really can't see too much of a difference, so no photos until it's finished.

Other than that, I went to dinner with my SIL and nephew tonight. We went to Cheeburger Cheeburger, which is Lucas's favorite restaurant. He was such a little character tonight. He was stuffing macaroni in his mouth and talking and talking and the macaroni would fall out. He was just so cute. He and my SIL are going to visit their family for a month in Indianapolis, while my brother is traveling for work. I'm going to miss them. I bet Lucas will be so big the next time I see him.

Since none of my family is going to come visit out here, I booked a trip to St. Louis to visit for memorial day. I think last week's mini-vacation taught me that I need to take a break every now and then, so I'm strating to plan some travel. Yeah Me!


  • At 8:33 AM, Blogger Unknown said…

    Yippee for coming to the Lou!!! I hope you'll make a little time to hang with us - maybe Jenn's BBQ? Their basement should be finished by then, too! Can't wait to see you!!



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