Shoes and Yarn

This blog is dedicated to my search for the perfect shoes and the perfect yarn.

Sunday, May 20, 2007

Dear Gwen,
Although it is very nice to go out on a convertible ride on a nice day with a little breeze at the sun's zenith. And, yes, you look cute riding around in your convertible, there's just one little thing you need to remember...SUNSCREEN!!!!!

Yes, sunburnt. I never burn right away, but as I sat in my apartment knitting this evening, I was getting redder and redder as time went on and now, my pasty white arms are day-glo pink. Thank god I have aloe in the refrigerator, or I'd be a miserable chick too. Hopefully most of it will be gone tomorrow, but I'm going to have a nice farmer tan line on my arms.

There was knitting this weekend. I finished one of the surprise items and have moved on to the second. You'll just ahve to wait awhile to see what I'm making. Other than that, I'm thinking about what's going to be my next project...


  • At 8:31 AM, Blogger Chris said…

    Ouch!! Hopefully it fades quickly.

  • At 7:44 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Could have been could have forgotten sunscreen, been wearing sunglasses and only had a sun roof. You could have looked really silly with a burn on half your face and on only one arm - ask me how I know!! :)



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