Shoes and Yarn

This blog is dedicated to my search for the perfect shoes and the perfect yarn.

Tuesday, March 08, 2005

Tuesdays that feel like Mondays...

I forgot to set my alarm this morning. Well, it was set, but for 9am instead of 6:30am, which is the time I must get up in order to get to work mostly on time. 9am would be the time I needed to get up in order to have breakfast with the family & take my brother to the airport yesterday. Thankfully, I woke myself up and only 25 minutes later than I should have gotten up. So I did the 2 minute shower thing this morning. Followed by the grab breakfast and run maneuver. Thankfully, I managed to avoid all the accidents and got to work on time. Understand, I'm not a morning person and have built extra time into my morning schedule so I can sit and stare into the closet deciding what to wear or as I try to remember how the hair dryer works. I also tend to run a lot of errands on my way to work - ATM, stamps, gas, etc.

Basically, the hurried dash out the door this morning characterized my entire day. I got to work and had a ton of e-mail since I was on vacation yesterday. Everyone wanted their stuff yesterday. Then I went to a meeting, which was really great and we came up with some great ideas, but we went over our time limit, so I was late for a conference call. I was 27 minutes late to the call and got there just as the main person wrapping up his comments. It was a call for the planners of the Women's Networking Circles at all of our different locations. The bad thing was, the wrap up comments were interesting and I really wish I'd heard the entire call. So, I will live on in curiosity until I can find someone who sat in on the whole call. By the time that was over, I had to hurry up and put together some reports for my 1:30pm meeting. Then at like 2:30, my day came to an abrupt slow down. The morning was so packed with frantic activity that the afternoon was such a let down and time just seemed to creep by. I hate that.

No new knitting content. I spent the weekend hanging out with the parentals, my bro & SIL. The brewery was fun. Lunch was good. We were so tired by the time we were done with that, we all had to come home and nap. We had the grand Euchre rematch on Saturday evening and my SIL and myself reigned supreme again. Sunday was the baptism. I swear, it's the longest ceremony I've been through and I've been to a lot recently. It was good to see the whole family. One very scary note in the whole day, it seems Lindsay was allergic to something, whether it was the material of her dress, the anointed oil they put on her chest & head or some perfume/lotion of someone holding here. Poor little mite turned red, was inconsolable and had hives all over her. Kelly had to take her to the hospital. Very scary. She is okay now though. Sunday evening, we played the game that Jeff & Alicia bought for my b-day, Apples to Apples. It was a lot of fun, even with 5 of us. It's definitely a game to be played with a larger crowd of people. Jeff & Alicia winged home on Monday morning and I had the rest of the day off. Sadly, I did not knit a stitch. I stopped by Target to get some essentials (conditioner, mascara, etc.) and found that computer game Roller Coaster Tycoon on clearance for $5, I imagine because the package was all mangled. My aunt has been talking about how much fun the game is forever, so I figured for $5, I could try it. I brought it home, I had the afternoon. I was going to knit and watch movies, but popped in the game for "a few minutes". 5 1/2 hours later, yes, 5 1/2 hours later, I managed to drag myself away from it to go to dinner with my friend Julie. I don't know what it was that sucked me in...


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