Shoes and Yarn

This blog is dedicated to my search for the perfect shoes and the perfect yarn.

Monday, December 17, 2007

2007: A Year in Review

New Jobs with same company: 2

Moves halfway accross the country: 1

New apartment: 1

Boyfriend: 0

Knitted objects - 27

  • 10 hats
  • 2 sweaters (1 baby, 1 toddler(
  • 1 pair baby mitts
  • 5 pairs of socks
  • 1 shawl
  • 5 baby bibs
  • 2 baby blankets
  • 1 shawl

More knitted items than ever, but not nearly as many pairs of socks. Unlike last time I moved, I kind of went into a knitting funk this year.

All in all, I'd rate this year as a good year. Professionally, my life is finally where I want it to be. I like where I live. I like my apartment. I like being near family again and being able to watch my nephew grow up, like I got to spend time with my neice when she was small is definitely wonderul. Still no boy, but given the troubles others are having, I'm okay with that. I do miss my friends from KC. It's hard to find people that you connect with as much as that and I was definitely blessed to have found such good friends in such a short time in KC. I assumed it would be as easy in DC, but time will tell.

Looking forward to 2008, many knitted items. The funk seems to be over. A new car early in 2008 and then we'll see where life takes me. It seems to be working for me so far.


  • At 2:39 PM, Blogger MplsGirl said…


    Have you ever gone to a Event? The DC Area has a really active chapter and you might meet some cool people.

  • At 7:30 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Let me know if you want to come to Sweet Life Knitters... we would love to have you!

  • At 7:33 AM, Blogger Jo said…

    An old friend of mine from college just looked me up and sent me an e-mail. She told me a)she lives in D.C. and b) she knits! I should see if she lives in your area.


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