Shoes and Yarn

This blog is dedicated to my search for the perfect shoes and the perfect yarn.

Tuesday, January 30, 2007

It's amazing how fast socks knit up on size 2 needles after you've been
knitting socks on size 0s. Behold the February sock in all it's glory. I'm about a half inch away from putting on the green cuff. Not bad for 3 days knitting. February socks should not be so bad to finish.

Best thing I've learned to weave your ends in as you go along. Fabulous!!! These socks have lots of ends to weave in and my secret project has lots of ends to weave in.

So, a wonderful person gave me a gift certificate to for my birthday. I'm looking for a good book of toddler/baby knits out there to get. I have the Debbie Bliss Quick Baby knits...which aren't very quick at all considering their size. I made the ballet sweater and it took forever and I got sick of all the fiddly instructions. So, if there are any suggestions out there, I'm trying to make a decision because the gift certificate is burning a whole in my virtual pocket. :-)


  • At 4:22 PM, Blogger Chris said…

    That sock is really cute!

    Um, Top-Down for Toddlers is pretty quick - minimal finishing from the people at Cabin Fever. Also, One Skein Wonders has some great cute projects. And Mason Dixon Knitting is a must have.


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