Shoes and Yarn

This blog is dedicated to my search for the perfect shoes and the perfect yarn.

Saturday, February 23, 2008

My quest to do nothing today, didn't really work out that way. I was up early. Earlier than I've gotten up since I returned from my Christmas Holiday if that tells you anything. I did laundry. I put away clothes. I watched the Prjoect Runway reunion and I must say I like this season better than last season.

Then, returning to my vow to do nothing today, I laid down and took a nap. It was cloudy and cold outside and I was all snuggled up in bed. It was wonderful.

Didn't do much else. I started a dishcloth, but I messed it up and ripped it out. I turned the heel on the second Neopolitan sock. Nothing too interesting. Tomorrow's goals. Go to work and finish the stupid pre-test for this certification I'm going to kill myself studying for and do my taxes. Unpleasant day all around.


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