Shoes and Yarn

This blog is dedicated to my search for the perfect shoes and the perfect yarn.

Thursday, August 19, 2004

We're off to Stitches

Yes, Beth, Suzie and I are going to drive 400 miles to go shopping at the yarn market. Not take any classes, but to shop for yarn. I love my friends!! I told the people at work I was going to Chicago for the weekend. I got "Going to the bars??" "Hanging out on Division??" "IKEA?" "Shopping on Michican??" Stitches was not even on the radar. Those that I did tell looked at me kind of funny... They didn't know what to think. Women under 60 knitting? What an idea.

Other than that, I've been totally slammed at work. We have this big all day planning meeting off-site on Monday. I spent an hour running around trying to see if I could find a Purple marker for an wipe board only to find out they decided black would do after all. Do they make purple markes for a wipe board?? It would be pretty, but I'm pretty sure they only come in a few select colors and I don't think I've ever seen Purple. One of the planners and one of the presenters are out of town and it's been one e-mail after another from one or both of them. Why don't you write a list of things you want and send me one e-mail instead of 10 inside of 20 minutes??? It's a lot easier for me to go rushing around the office if I have one piece of paper and not 10. Ughh.

I started my first toe-up sock last night. It's made out of some Regia yarn that I got in at a yarn store in Grand Haven, MI last Labor Day weekend. It survived for almost a year in my stash. Imagine that. It's Red, white, pink, purple and green striping yarn. I can't decide if I'm going to love it because they look so crazy or if I'm going to look crazy because I love such ugly socks?? Only time will tell. It took me several tries to get the cast-on right. God bless Teri for her help. She's moving to Kansas City and then I'll be the only odd knitter and I'll have to figure out everything by myself. Sniff. Sniff. I'll post a picture after I have the stripes going.

Well that's all for now, I have to pack if I'm going to leave the house sometime tomorrow. I'll post more on satursday night when I get back. I'm taking the crappy digital camera to take some pictures. I'm definitely asking for a digital camera for christmas. (Are you reading that mom??)


  • At 12:54 PM, Blogger Teri said…

    Look who's blog I found! Hiya Gwen, what's up?

    Don't worry about knitting weird at all. You can always email me for help. Plus I'm going to try to come back to St. Louis for most of the guild meetings.



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